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作业标题:教学设计 作业周期 : 2019-10-21 2019-12-31











提交者:坊员鲁显维    所属单位:武功县普集街中学    提交时间: 2019-12-18 23:31:26    浏览数( 2 ) 【举报】

  冀教版七年级英语下册Unit4 《After-school Activities》

Lesson20:  Join Our Club

Teaching aims:

Students learn something about school clubs and know how to make a poster for a club.

Students learn to use the reading techniques of skimming and scanning and improve their abilities of listening, speaking and writing.

3. Students derive great pleasure from this class and cooperate with each other in English learning 

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Students learn to use the reading techniques of skimming and scanning.

Students learn to make a poster for a school club.

Teaching aids:

Multimedia pictures

Interactive patterns:

T—S; S—S(pair work; group work)

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Before reading

1. lead in 

What do you like to do in your free time?

Do you want to do something interesting together? 

2. Play a word game. 

Show some pictures of new words and ask them to read. Then explain the meanings. 

Step2. While reading

1. Skim the text 

Read the text quickly and find the answers to the questions:

How many clubs are mentioned in the text? What are they?

What’s the type of the text ?  A poster or a story? 

2. Scan the text

Read the text carefully and fill in the table. In this part, students need to use the reading skills of scanning. They also need to master the three tips of a club poster: What is good about the club? Where is the club and when is the club time. 

Step3. After reading

1. Make a dialogue

Work in pairs. Talk about what clubs you want to join. Then present it to your classmates.

Task tips: What club do you want to join? Why do you like this club? What can you do in the club? Can you learn and have fun in the club?

2. Design a poster 

Ask students to imitate the text and design a poster for their school clubs. In order to write well, show the following information: 

join our club                      make /meet new friends

have a good time                     learn something new

learn and have fun at the same time.       the club place is…

the club time is…               improve your singing skills

play an instrument /guitar…            learn different dance

be a singer / star          improve your social skills

draw and paint well                make something by hand

be a artist or painter         improve your English level

make English-speaking friends        travel around the world

speak good English              exercise your body

play basketball well   be a basketball player    stay in shape

After writing, ask students to show and share their posters. If someone’s club is fun and useful, Maybe somebody else will join the club.

Step4. Summary

In this lesson, students should master and know:

A club poster needs three tips: what is good about the club? Where is the club and when is the club time. 

School life needs study but also free time. School clubs can give us joy and make us learn more in our free time. They can make a difference in our life.

Try to be a person with hobbies. Then your life will be colorful and interesting.

Step5. Homework

Ask students to interview their classmates about what clubs they want to join. Then give their results to the school leader. That will be useful!

Step6. Design of blackboard writing

Step7. Teaching reflection



评语时间 :2019-12-24 09:17:55






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