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Unit11 How was your school trip?

  发布者:任嘉宁    所属单位:大战场初级中学    发布时间:2020-04-30    浏览数( -) 【举报】

                                      Unit11  How was your school trip?


Teaching goals:

  Ss master the words about farming.

 Ss can have a biref understandig of the past tense.

Ss can talk about the things they did on their school trip.

Teaching Important Points:

  the farming words; the sentence patern”Did you …”.

Teaching Difficult Points:

  the farming words; finish the exercises by listening

Teaching Aids:

  book  tape  PPT  chalk  blackboard  

Blackboard Design:

  went for a walk     Did you see any cows?

  milked a cow       Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

  rode a horse        Did you ride a horse?

  fed chickens        No, I didn’t. But I milked a cow.

  talked with a farmer

  took some photos

Teaching Procedures:

  Step1: Lead-in.

        Two questions: Do you have any school trip?

                   What did you do on your school trip?

                   How did you feel about it?

        Let ss become interested in the farming work.

  Step2: Learn new words.

1.show the farming words by PPT.

         Teacher---lead to read

         Students-----read in a row

       The right---the present tense     left—the past tense

       Make ss write down the present tense of these verbs.

        2. exercises about these words.

         Finish 1a, Match the phrases with the pictures.

         Pair check------class check

 Step3: Do the listening1

       1.Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip.

       2.:Listen and repeat. 

       3. Role-play  Girls: A     Boys: B

       4. circle some sentences in the listening material,

            What rules can you find? 

        Did 出现必须用动词原形;陈述句用动词的过去式表示。

 Step3: Do the listening2

1.Listen and check the questions you hear.

First, read eight questions, then listen to the tape.

2.Listen again, circle T for true, and F for false.

3.Listen and repeat.

 Step4: post-listening

1.Ask and answer(pair work) 

A: What did Carol do?

B: She picked some strawberries.

   She learned something.


Predict the grammar focus and finish exercises.







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