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Module5《Unit1.How many》教学设计

  发布者:存秋萍    所属单位:宋营完小    发布时间:2020-04-28    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Module5《Unit1.How many》教学设计

一、Teaching aims:


1.能识别one to eight 这八个数字。

2.能用“How many ?”询问个数。


能用“How many ?”进行询问,识别one to eight 这八个数字。



二、Teaching key points and difficult points:

1.重点:识别one to eight 这八个数字。

2.难点:用“How many ?”询问个数。

三、Teaching methods:

游戏教学法    实物展示法   小组练习法

四、Teaching aids:

课件  卡片  实物

五、Teaching time:


六、Teaching procedures:

Step1: Warming up

1.Greetings: “Good morning, boys and girls .I’m Miss Cun.How are you?”

2.Free talk:

走到一名学生跟前:Hello, What’s your name?

走到另一名学生跟前:Hi, how are you?


3.Sing the song 《 Please stand up 》.

Sing and do actions.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Teacher shows some objects and say : boys and girls , Ms Liu brings you many things ,Let's see ,what are they?

T says :oh, so many ...... How many ? Do you know ? then show word cards, teach “How many”.

T: Today we are going to talk about numbers.

2.( Teacher shows one pen ) and then ask : How many ? Help the students say “one” teacher shows the cards and ask the students to read it in this way “ one ,one, 一  one”

3.(shows two birds)Ask:How many ? when the teacher says, she must say slowly .Students read after the teacher and learn “ two ”,read it.  

T: Let’s count . one  two.

T: How many ? 并引导学生回答:Two.

4.用同样的方法教学 :“three 、 four .”(Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “three”

5.Practice “one to four”.

出示实物及手指,问:“How many?”


6.用同样的方法教学:“five 、six 、seven 、eight”.

7.Practice “one to eight”

出示课件图片,问:“How many?”


8.Read .Read“one to eight”on the blackboard.

Step 3. Text


Step 4. Practice and game

1.Put the numbers cards stick on the blackboard  and teacher points to the numbers randomly on the board .and the students to speak them out.

2.Say and point .

Ask a student to say: “Point to three” ,another stuent do the action.

3.I can say the numbers.


114    752    254    125     416    15825355156


4.Say a chant :

How many? How many? One.one.one.

How many? How many? Two.two.two.

How many? How many? Three.three.three.

How many? How many? Four.four.four..

How many? How many? Five .five.five..

How many? How many? Six.six.six..

How many? How many? Seven.seven.seven..

How many? How many? Eight.eight.eight.

Step 5.Summary


Step 6 Homework .

1.Count from one to eight.(从一数到八)

2.Tell your parents to learn some photos and so on.( 让学生用英文告诉家长自己家和朋友家的电话号码、车牌号码等。)

Blackboard design:

Module 5

Unit1 How many?

one two three four

Five six seven eight






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