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作业标题 :请结合本次培训所学知识和所教学科的教学特点,提交本一节课的完整教学设计方案。 作业周期 : 2017-10-172018-01-26

作业要求 :




发布者 :耿老师


提交者:学员徐建红    所属单位:临夏回民中学    提交时间: 2018-01-05 23:16:56    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

Healthy Eating


Teaching goals

1.Train students’ reading ability.

2. Make sure students know the main idea of the passage.

3. Students know more useful language points.

4. Students can understand the passage.

 Teaching important points

1. The reading passage.

2. To train students reading skills.

 Teaching difficult points 

1.     Understand the real meaning of healthy eating.

2.     Language points in the passage.

Teaching methods

1. Skimming, scanning and intensive reading.

2. Individual, pair and group work to finish the study task.

3. Asking and answering activities.

Teaching aids 

A recorder, a computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways 

Step I   Greetings.

StepⅡ Revisions.

    Let students read the words with the help of projector.

Step III Pre-reading

Ask students these questions to lead in the study of the passage, and ask students to work in pairs to get the answers . Show the questions on the screen.

1. What do you think should go into a good meal?

2. Imagine you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food of your place would you offer them? Plan a menu.

3. Look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures and predict what the passage is about.

StepⅣ Fast reading

    Read the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the text. Show the questions on the screen.

1. The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.

2. The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.

3 .Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customer and decided to win them back.

StepⅤ Reading.

   a. Let students read the passage carefully to do the task.

True or False.  Show on the screen.


1. Usually Wang Peng’s restaurant was full of people.  T

2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.  F     It would take longer than that.

3. Wang Peng’s regular customers often became fat.   T

4. Yong Hui’s menu gave customers more emery-giving food.   F

    No. it gave them protective food but no energy-giving or body-building food.

5. Wang Peng’s menu gave customers more protective food.   F

6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.   F    He decided to advertise the benefits of his menu.

b. Listen to the tape and fill in the chart.

Facts about Yong Hui’s restaurant

Facts about Wang Pengwei’s restaurant













c.Readingand underlining

Read the text again and underline all the collocations in the passage.

Copy them into your notebook after class as homework.

sit in an empty restaurant坐在空荡荡的餐馆里  get up early早起,

feel frustrated感到沮丧,    by lunchtime到午饭时间,  

prepare ones menu of mutton kebabs/roast pork准备(烤羊肉串/烤猪肉)菜肴,     be full of充满……, ought to应该,

think of…想到……, hurry by匆匆走过, eat with sb.与某人吃饭,  

taste of fat吃起来油腻,   follow into…跟随进入,

a newly-opened small restaurant一个新开张的餐馆,

d. teach the passage and do explanation.

limited: not very great in amount or extent 有限的

benefit: advantage that sth. gives you   优势,益处

 sigh: take a long deep breath叹气,叹息

 earn one’s living: keep alive in a certain style 谋生/挣钱维持生活

in debt: owe a lot of money欠债

glare at: stare angrily     怒目而视  

StepⅥ Post reading

Do the exercises on the post readings to deepen students understanding to the passage.

1. The weakness of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was ___________________   

2. The strength of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was ____________________     

StepⅦ Conclusion and homework.




评语时间 :2018-01-06 11:39:23




