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郭玉娟:Is it a monster?

2017-01-14  发布者:李丽  浏览数( -)

Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster? 教案

胜利街小学 郭玉娟




1.学生能初步理解认读:monster, kite, don't, know, no, isn't= is not, help

    2.学生能初步运用句型:“Is it a...? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.”;




学生能听、说并初步运用目标语句:“Is it a...? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.”对物品的推断进行询问。










    1.学生能初步理解认读:monster, kite, don't, know, no, isn't= is not, help

2.学生能初步运用句型:“Is it a...? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.”来询问对物品的推断是否准确。


1. “Cat, kite”两个单词的发音。

2.学生能根据实际情况,利用所学的句型:“Is it a...? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.”来询问对物品的推断是否准确。




   Step1. Warming up

       1. Greetings(Sing a song to say "hello" to each other)

       2. Introduce the assessment(GroupA & GroupB)

       3. Revision

       Loot at the pictures and then ask and answer.

       T: What's this?

       S1/S2/S3/S4: Pen/pencil/bird/dog...

       T: It's a ... 

       Ss:It's a ...


Step2.Presentaion and practise

       1) Draw a stick figure about "a cat kite" and learn the new words"kite".

       T: What's this? : It's a cat.

       T: Now is it a cat? Yes or no?

       Ss: No.

       T: No, it isn't. Is it a kite? Yes or no.

       Ss: Yes.

       T: Yes, it is.

       2)Look at the PPT to tell the pronunciation of the two words.       

       3) Say a chant to practice "cat" and "kite".

         Cat, cat, it's a cat.

         Kite, kite, it's a kite.

         Cat, kite, it's a cat kite.

       4) Play the CD-ROM to think about what happen between Daming and Sam.

       5) Look at the PPT to learn the new knowledage"Is it a ...? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't." (learn the new words"no, isn't = is not") 

(设计意图:通过简笔画,在画出一只猫型风筝的过程中教授新单词“kite”并让学生在老师引导下初步感知句型:“Is it a ...Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.”。通过多媒体课件中单词的音标标识以及绕口令区别练习Cat 和 Kite 两个单词。对这两个单词的反复练习,旨在让学生能够感知这两个词发音的相似性从而引导学生理解活动1Daming 与 Sam 之间发生误会的原因。通过PPT图片仿照活动1的情形进行新句型的学习,使学生深刻理解文本内容并初步学习了新句型,为课文的学习打下良好的基础。)     

   Step3. Text-Learning

     1) Draw a stick figure about "a monster kite" and learn the new words" monster" and ne w sentences:"I don't know", Help!" by the actions.

     T: Can you guess, what's that? Do you know?


     T: You don't know what't that, so you should say" I don't know".


   3) Play the CD-ROM to find "What's that in the story? "

   4) Review the guess between the two girls in the text and read aloud by follwing teacher, boys and girls, group and group in roles.

   5) Read aloud the text.

(设计意图:利用学生好奇的心理,设计与课文类似的情境,通过语境教学,在完成怪物形风筝的简笔画过程中,层层导入与课文相关的目标语句,进而让学生在语境中充分感知目标语言的使用含义。接着让学生带着疑问“What's that?”观看录像,解开疑团。之后,通过老师带读,男女分角色问答,两个大组分角色朗读,完整回顾文本中两个小女孩对落在树林后的事物所做的猜测。最后达到全班熟练朗读课文。)      


   Guessing game

   1) Open your big eyes and guess "Is it a ...?" in the pictures by answering "Yes, it is./ No, it isn't."

   T: Is it a ...?



2) A student chooses a pictures. And other students guess" Is it a...?". And the student answers "Yes, it is./ No, it isn't." Each group has three times to guess.

GA/ GB: Is it a...?

   S1: Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.

(设计意图:采用有趣的Guessing game 符合目标语句的语境,首先让学生根据老师出示的残缺的图片猜测物品,进而巩固了对猜测的肯定与否定回答。然后让一名学生自选一张教学图片藏其身后,其他学生按小组对该图片进行猜测,每组三次机会,这样便巩固了目标语句“Is it a...”对物品的推断。通过游戏活动的开展真正使学生体验“玩中学,学中玩”的英语课。)


   1) How to guess the things by using "Is it a ...?" and answering" Yes, it is./ No, it isn't. "

   2) Which group is the winner in the end?

   3) Enjoy a song "What is this?"


  Step6. Homework

       Read aloud the text and act it out with your partners.

  Step7. blackboard layout

                         Moduel8   Unit1

                         Is it a monster?

New words:

kite                      Is it a ...?                  GA        GB

no                        Yes, it is.

isn;t = is not ...         No, it isn't.



