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作业标题 :实践研修成果截止日期 : 2017-01-09

作业要求 :作业标题:题目自拟
考核要求:  实践研修是本次培训的一个重要环节,通过在岗实践、反思、再实践、再反思的良性循环过程,运用所学课程理念尝试去上几节改变自己教学习惯的课,达到能够围绕教学目标,运用信息技术手段有效开展教学活动的目的。

发布者 :项目组


提交者:学员陈飞宇    所属单位:四川省平昌中学    提交时间: 2016-11-22    浏览数( 6 ) 【推荐】

教学课件:《How good are your social skills》课件

微课程:《How good are your social skills》微课

How Good Are Your Social Skills?

(Book 6 module 1)

四川省平昌中学  陈飞宇

1  Teaching aims:

General Aims

Get the students to realize the importance of the small talk by learning this module and improve their social skills.

Encourage the students to use the skills as much as possible.

Encourage the students to think and read actively.

Train in the form of listening, speaking, and reading, Center on speaking and reading.

Knowledge goals:  

To enable the students to understand the text and master the useful words and expressions.

To make the students know about small talk and other social skills.

③Ability goals:

To develop students’ communicative ability by learning the text and the useful expressions

To improve students’ listening and speaking ability by reading and practicing.  

Be aware of text organization; use scanning and skimming skills to complete tasks;

Analyze sentence structures to facilitate reading;

Cultural awareness:

To enable the students to learn about the English culture of social communication and develop their social skills in their daily life..  

2  Important & Difficult points:  

①New words:

confidently; lack; be nervous about; advance; nod; body language; yawn; sign; look away from; social rules; in addition to; find out; opportunity.

②Get the students to have a good understanding of the text and learn some social skills.

3. How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the test.

3  Teaching methods:

①Create an atmosphere with students-centered activities in which they are willing to get involved. ②Get the students to draw their own conclusion by participating in different tasks.

4  Teaching Aids:

Multi-media ,chalk and blackboard.

5  Teaching Procedures:

Step I: Lead in (pre-reading)

Do a survey of students to know about their social skills.

You know what?I found that many students cross the road to avoid talking to me when they saw me in the distance.I really wonder why.

Today,I have to find out the reason.

OK,let’s do a survey.Please look at the screen.Finish these questions carefully and I’ll ask some students to tell me your scores.

How many points do you get?

How good are your social skills? Your score:___

1).Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize?

  A: always(1)  B: often (2)  C: seldom (3)

2).When you go to a party, can you talk confidently to every guest?

   A: always(3)  B: often (2)  C: seldom (1)

3). Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you don’t know?

   A: yes  (1)  B: no (3)

4). Are you nervous about the idea of being at a social event in another country?

   A: yes  (1)  B: no (3)

Above 10 (If your score is above 10,it means that you are good at communicating with others)

Between 5-9 If your score is between 5 and 9,it means you kown some of social skills

Below 5  (If your score is below 5, it means you lack social skills seriously.)

ConclusionIt seems that most students lack social skills.Don’t worry.Today we are going to learn a new lesson.It will tell us how to improve our social skills.

Step II: Skimming (fast-reading)

Learning strategy instruction:

Skimming is a browsing type reading.Its purpose is to get the main idea and the whole structure. When we do skimming,we should focus on the title, the first paragraph and the second paragraph of the text.What’s more,we should pay attention to the first sentence and the last sentence of each paragraph.

①. Skim the passage quickly and try to find what kind of book it is from.

A.  an English teaching book

B.  a business course

C.  a book which tells you what to do at social events

D.  a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination

.How many tips are given in the passage? What are they?

Tip 1 : Learn how to do small talk

Tip 2 : Develop your listening skills

Tip 3: Learn the rules

Step IV: while-reading

Part 1:

Show a video.

①Ask the students to discuss with their partners and answer the question.

 Which of these topics can/ cannot be talked about in your small talk?

 Ask the students to read the details of tip 1 to check their answers.


Can :   hobby. exam .film. food. music. sport. travel .

        study . film/sport star. family. weather

Cannot : salary . age. income. religion.politics.

So we should get some low-risk topics ready before we do small talk.

②Ask the students to read tip 1 again to summarize the low-risk conversation openers they should get ready.


A recent news story (about film stars or sports star).

Avoid talking about topics you dislike(personal questions).

Ask peoples opinion about music,sport and films.

Something about your studies (subjects)

Part 2             

①Ask the students a question: Communication is a two-way process. What does it involve?

Key: Speaking and listening

②Ask the students another question: How to be a good listener?    

Key: We should listen to others carefully.

③Ask the students to read the details of tip 2,and help them summarize the ideas to make a person a better listener.



Use encouraging noises and gestures.

Look at your watch.


Keep good eye contact.


Change the subject.

Use positive

body language.

Look away from the person who’s talking to you.

Ask for more information to show your interest.

Finish other people’s sentences for them .

④Ask the students to read again to find the answer to the following questions:

1. What do people think about those who talk too much?

Key:They won’t impress people

2. Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking?

Key: Because it shows that you’re listening.

⑤Ask the students to translate the sentense: “Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!”

Key: 和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时。

Part 3

① Ask the students to read the details of tip 3 (the last paragraph)and answer the question:

What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.No pains, no gains.

B.The early bird gets the worm.

C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

②Ask the students to read again to find the answer of the following question?

What should we pay attention to before going to a party?

 When to arrive


 How long to stay


 When to leave


 What to take



③Tell studens something about social rules:

Arrive on time at a party in other countries;

You need to know how long you should stay and  when to leave;

Prepare small gifts for your host if necessary…

Part 4

Summariz the 3 tips with students:

In order to have good social skills, we need to:

Think of safe small talk topics

Develop listening skills

Learn social rules of different countries

Step VI: After reading 

Listen to the recording. Ask the students to complete the passage:

Have you ever crossed the road to ____ talking to someone you  ______? Would you love to go to a party and talk________to every guest? Do you want to make friends but lack the________to talk to people you dont know? And are you______ about the idea of being at a social_____in another country? Dont worrywe can help you!

You neednt worry about______like these if you have good social skills. And they are easy to learn. People with good social skills_________ well and know how to have a_________. It____if you do a little______planning.

Here are a few ideas to help you.

Small talk is very ___________ and prepares you for more ________ ___________. Be __________. Have some low-_________ conversation openers _________.

Listening is a skill which most people ________, but communication is a _________ process---it involves _________ and _________. Always remember, you won’t __________ people if you talk too much.

If you go to a social _________ in another country, remember that _______ ______ can be different.

Step VII: Homework

Write a letter to Li Hua to give her some suggestions on improving social skills.

Try to use the following structure:



In addition,….

Last but not least,….



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