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作业标题 :实践研修成果作业要求截止日期 : 2016-12-23

作业要求 :





1. 字数要求:不少于300字。

2. 内容必须原创,如出现雷同,视为无效,成绩为“0”分。

3. 为方便批改,请尽量不要用附件的形式提交。(最好先在文档编辑器word软件里编辑好,再将内容复制到答题框提交,操作时间不要超过20分钟)

发布者 :教务管理员


提交者:学员张笔耘    所属单位:淳安县里商乡中心小学    提交时间: 2016-10-11    浏览数( 2 )

PEP4 Unit3 Weather 
(Part A Let’s learn)
I. Teaching aims:
1. Enable Ss to know how to listen, speak and read the new words: cold, hot, warm and cool.
2. Enable Ss to use the important sentence: It’s …in ....to introduce the weather in different places.
3. Enable Ss to describe weather like this: Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s … in….
II. Teaching importance and difficulties:
  Four new words: cold, hot, warm and cool.
  A new sentence: It’s …in....
  The pronunciations of weather, Harbin and Lhasa.
III. Teaching aids:
   PPT, a blackboard and some cards
IV. Teaching procedure
Step 1. Warm-up and revision
Step 2. Presentation 
1.播放let’s learn动画,整体感知天气预报。
T: The woman is talking about the weather too. Let’s listen! (播放let’s learn动画)
  What is the woman reporting? Yes, she is reporting a weather report(板书、教读).
  And we can call this woman a weather reporter(板书、教读).
2.Little weather reporter training camp, 通过活动掌握新知。
T:The weather reporter is so cool, and I think most of you want to be a little weather reporter. So come on boys and girls, please join in Doraemon’s little weather reporter training camp.
T: First, let’s look at here, this is a map of China. Doraemon will take us for a trip. Let’s go!
(1) The first stop is…. Yes, Hong Kong! 
What the weather like in Hong Kong? It’s 36℃ degree centigrade. It’s hot in Hong Kong.
(2) It’s too hot, let’s go north! Here we come to Harbin. What the weather like in Harbin? It’s only 2℃. It’s cold in Harbin.
(3) It’s so cold! Let’s go! Now where are we? Yes, we are in Beijing now. What the weather like in Beijing? It’s 22℃. It’s warm in Beijing.
(4) Haha! Doraemon leads us to Lhasa now! What the weather like in Lhasa? It’s nearly 10℃. It’s cool in Lhasa.
(5) What the weather like? It’s hot/ cold/ warm/ cool.

Step 3. Practice
T: After a wonderful trip, let’s play some games.
(1) 终极考核1: what is missing?
(2) 终极考核 2: Guess, guess, guess!
(3) 终极考核3:Let’s write.
2.再次播放let’s learn动画,运用所学句型播报天气预报
(1)Listen and follow the tape.
(2)Challenge to the weather reporter.
     Practice in groups.
     Report to the class.
Step 4. Consolidation and extension
Step 5. Homework
1.Copy the five words.
2. Make a weather report to your friends.





